Monster’s 100 Best PC games
After the previous Best of 100 movie list, i decided to make a 100 games list. Since I’ve been a constant gamer (not hardcore), i thought this will be easier. But hell it was too difficult. So I constricted the list to PC exclusive. The problem was sorting. These games are of extremely varying in style, size, graphics and everything. Many underrated games may also be there because that’s where i entered gaming, the games that influenced me at my initial love for Games. Don’t be worried to see those mega games you love in the bottom of the list. Size doesn’t matter.
- Braid
- Limbo
- World of Goo
- Portal 2
- Machinarium
- Cogs
- Hammer fight
- Eufloria
- Call of duty: Modern warfare
- Cut it
- GTA: Vice city
- Super meat boy
- Osmos
- Flywrench
- Cortex Command
- And Yet it Moves
- Everyday genius: square logic
- Bomber man (by fury)
- Maxpayne
- Half life 2 : Episode two
- Prince of persia: Two thrones
- The Mummy: game
- Meat boy
- Hitman contracts
- Pocket tanks

- Botanicula
- n:way of ninja
- Bloxorz
- Jumper
- Captain forever
- Jardinains
- Igneous
- Windosill
- Age of empires: 3
- World in conflict
- Fahrenheit
- Mario forever
- Karoshi
- Warcraft 3: reign of chaos
- Plants vs Zombies
- Batman : Arkham asylum
- Medal of honor : Airborne
- Racedriver : Grid
- Samorost
- Push puzzle
- Blast miner
- Sierra 7
- Gravity bone
- Blokt
- Ballance
- Creeper World
- Half life 2
- Harvest massive Encounter
- Portal
- Black and White
- Gish
- Medal of Honor : Allied Assault
- Maxpayne 2:Fall of Maxpayne
- Armadillo Run
- Prince of persia: warrior within
- Rome: total war
- Need for speed: porsche unleashed
- Battle for troy
- Winning eleven 7/pro evolution soccer 6
- Gravity Master
- Standofood
- Freedom fighters
- bejeweled 2
- Jumpman
- Need for speed: Most Wanted
- Puddle
- Serious Sam: second encounter
- vvvvvv
- Men of war
- Ragdoll Matrix
- Starguard
- Ragdoll masters
- Need for speed: Underground
- Aether
- Age of empires II
- Blobby volley
- Brainsplode
- Immortal defense
- Snowy adventures
- Polarity
- Splinter Cell: chaos theory
- GTA san andreas
- Karoshi 2.0
- Delta force : Black hawk down
- Frets on fire
- The manipulator
- Occular Ink
- Virtual Silence
- Feeding Frenzy
- Peggle
- Xonix 32
- Duke nukem : Manhattan project
- Wroom
- Karoshi Factory
- Cue Club
Good work bro 🙂 Interested ones can google and find the games, but adding their links might have made it easier. And a Freeware/Paid classification could have helped too.