No one cares ! The Porn Effects

No one cares about porn, particularly the effects of it. Its just harmless entertainment, some says. The Onslaught of porn into normal lives has drastically changed the scenario. I’ve been doing some research on this big Four-letter-word and its effects & its obvious that it will get my hands Dirty (Cough, Cough..No Comments).


        I was fascinated to see an extensive collection of research papers based on original researches dating back to 1970’s. 1970’s !! There was no internet, streaming sites, no mobiles etc and still their research was outright awesome.
Lets get to the matters. Porn is everywhere. Internet revolution made it more easier and mobile phones made its transportation easier. And Most of all its overly cheap, extremely easily accessible and a pretty good business fortune too.
       I believe its too hard or nearly impossible to keep one away from seeing it once, i mean it’ll be hard to find someone who haven’t seen it. These things can come to you in the form of Ads in piracy websites or unauthorized sites, or on a friend’s Mobile along with his advices like ‘just Harmless Fun’ & ‘Everyone’s seeing it dude’ or a mistaked CD or from Browsing History URL in an internet Cafe.
       All studies concludes to a single fact. The fact that Porn is Toxic in every way. Various effects in viewers includes empathy towards sexual assault convicts, Rape-is-good myth, objectification of women, escalation to bizarre practises, Decreased libido, feeling of guilt,shame etc. Yet its still on top, even though its not explicitly shown, no matter however disgusting it is. Recent rise of more bizarre and violent niches shows this trend.
      Only solution to this i find is to avoid it at all costs, and keep away from anything that attracts you to it. If you are addicted, i’ve lost count of websites offering help, lots of them are available. If you still think, what you see has no effects in you, Think Again.

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5 Responses

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sandy says:

    A very fundamentalist view I think. Porn like all things in life should be taken in moderation. To many people, it assuages sexual frustrations and provides entertainment. In my opinion, this post is extremely biased against porn and reminds me of the “Games make you kill people” myth.

  3. Thanks anwin, I appreciate your courage to comment on a post like this 🙂

  4. anwin says:

    good article buddy 🙂

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