Year in Review : 2018

The Year 2018 was indeed quite adventurous and twists and turns.

Only FOUR blog posts. Mostly about game releases.

Bigger things learned the hard way, even though it was always just before your eyes.

– who else

Moving to Android Development (& Web too)

Slowed down the games development for a bit. Why ? And moved to Android App Development for a while. After a while landed a Job as an Android developer, and from there slowly moved to web technologies and bit of hands on iOS development also. Game development is still going on behind the scenes, by the way.

Games & Apps

Games. No new games I guess. Just a few updates for Chemistry Lab and Funny Idioms. Have two games in work in progress, bu some how lost track of them. Two Apps (extra one app not in playstore) were released on playstore. One is Football Score App and other is OpenClipart App.

Learned to Swim (swim course)

Started Learning web technologies.

Html, css, JS, Jquery, Angular, Bootstrap, just to name a few.

TV show addiction. came and gone for good.

Bigger the mistakes, better the learning.

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